# Kitchen Sink
## But first some tests:
### [#14](https://github.com/obedm503/bootmark/issues/14)
anything in backticks or code blocks should not be intrepreted as HTML because
Showdown escapes _html entities_ so, writing them should not be necessary.
#### Inline code
using literal angle brackets (`< >`): `some inside backticks`
using _html entities_ (`<` and `>`): `some <tags> inside backticks`
#### Inside code block
literal brackets:
vnoremap "$ :w !nc -q0 localhost 5900
_html entities_:
vnoremap <silent> "$ :w !nc -q0 localhost 5900<CR>
### [#16](https://github.com/obedm503/bootmark/issues/16)
This should render as a table:
## Onto the Kitchen Sink
Examples are from https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Here-Cheatsheet.